managed to catch watchmen today. awesome film! i've been looking forward to it for months and i wasnt disappointed. i love the soundtrack! bob dylan, jimi hendrix, simon and garfunkel.. even leonard cohen! the use of bob dylan's 'the time's they are a-changin' was so appropriate :) and they had jimi hendrix's cover of dylan's 'all along the watchtower'! ack! one of my favs! i'm still not so sure about mcr's cover of desolation row though. lol.
i don't think i can talk about the movie without giving anything away so i won't. only one thing though. they censored dr manhattan's privates! lol! it's so funny, throughout the whole damn movie there's this round blur covering his penis. it made him look kind of er.. genderless? i dont know why they bothered making it an 18+ movie. lol.
they also showed the new trailer for jj abrams star trek. i've never been a trekkie, i only saw voyager i think, and that was years ago. but this trailer made me excited. i'm looking forward to the new star trek :)
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