Tuesday, September 29, 2009


i just remembered something. i thought it was a story worth sharing.

the first time i remember being told off by a malaysian teacher, i was in standard one and i'd just moved to malaysia from england. it was in Moral class, if i'm not mistaken, and we were supposed to be colouring some pictures. pictures of humans. anyway, back in england, i used to colour my humans pink. cos you know, being surrounded by caucasians lol. if my memory serves well, i'm pretty sure everyone else there coloured their humans pink or brown too. so anyway, i colored my humans pink in malaysia. apparently it was not the right colour. my teacher scolded me for colouring humans pink. i still remember her telling me "people are not pink! you must colour them yellow or orange!"

looking back, it was quite a racist thing of her to say. lol.

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