Friday, August 21, 2009

tales of monkey island

this is the part where i go 'FUCK YESSSSS!'

how come this is the first time i'm hearing about this? i've been waiting for a follow up to the monkey island series for years! and damn that music sure brings back fond memories.



okay managed to get my hands on the first part. one word: AWESOME.


  1. It's awesome! My boyfriend pre-ordered the game so he can download chapters as they as they are released! He's downloaded two so far (2nd one just came out yesterday or the day before that), and I've been watching him play it - it still is awesome!

  2. good to hear it's still awesome! i only found out tabout it today ishhhh. i'm excited, cant wait to play! hehe! also trying to get the secret of monkey island special edition :D
