Monday, June 22, 2009

being courteous and law abiding won't get you anywhere ... malaysia.

at least, that's pretty much what i experience on a nearly daily basis. rewind one year, i wrote this post about how rude malaysians are while waiting for taxis and buses. since i do not like getting my queue cut, i expect others to feel the same way. which is why i ask people who are already sitting at the bus stop if they are waiting for a cab. there have been many occasions when i ask a person if they're waiting for a cab, they answer 'yes', and then just sit there... without stopping the many cabs which are going by. which pisses me off tremendously. for fucks sake, if you said you're waiting for a cab, why the hell arent you stopping it? i could have jumped on one minutes ago if i had not been so polite as to wait for them to stop one.

situation 2: when i'm on the lrt or in a lift, i get so annoyed when people push their way in without waiting for people to exit. i dont see any legit reason for that. don't tell me it's because you're afraid that the doors are gonna close cos that's complete BS. if everyone stepped aside for each other, there wouldnt be jostling, therefore, there wouldnt be any time wasted either. i try my best to wait for people to exit first before going in, but since this is malaysia, if you do that you'd be the idiot who's left without any space since everyone else just pushes their way past you.

situation 3: say you're driving and you're stopped outside a yellow box in a traffic jam. you do that so other drivers coming from the other direction won't get blocked off. Does it work? duh, of course not. some moron will just come from your left and squeeze in front of you.

situation 4: probably the one that bugs me the most. under normal circumstances, federal highway has 3 lanes on each side of the road for driving, and an extra emergency lane on both sides. come traffic jams, federal highway has 4 lanes on each side of the road for driving, and no emergency lanes. the best part? when those morons on the emergency lane decide to cut out at the last minute, when everyone on the proper lanes are trying to make an exit. they try to force their way out... and give rude gestures and moronic glares at the drivers who pass them by, while they are stuck on the emergency lane. from a logical perspective, do they really have the right to be angry? cos really, FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN ON THE EMERGENCY LANE? asshole queue cutters, they cause jams while trying to beat it.

i love malaysia for other reasons but i really think we need to work on our mentality and attitude problems.

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