Saturday, January 10, 2009

vampire for sale

mogwai and jason mraz are coming in january and march respectively. you know what sucks? having a gig on a weekday! they are both on wednesdays! not that i'd have anyone to go with if they perform on weekends anyway. lol.

have a look at the edward cullen doll. to me, it doesnt look like robert at all. they should have given him faux hair like barbie dolls. then no one would make a fuss about robert's haircut cos you know, they'd be able to live their dream of running their huge fingers through his little doll's hair XD i do like the crest though. hehe. but hey, with all the mania surrounding twilight these days, who wouldnt want a doll of everyone's favourite vampire eh? ooh sounds kinky. they should totally do life sized ones. they'll be sold out in a second.

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