Friday, August 08, 2008

BREAKING DAWNNN (dont worry, there are spoiler warnings lol)

i was looking at panic at the disco on wikipedia and found out they covered 'the weight' by The Band! cool! i like that song (dad's influence lol). i like when a modern band covers an oldies rock song :) especially when they do it well. i think panic did it really well :)

here's The Band performing it.

so i've been reading Breaking Dawn for the past couple of days. its taking me ages since i now have a job. haha. plus i spend a lot of time online when i get back, so yeah. anyways, i've read just over halfway through and i gotta say, (dont worry no spoilers yet, i'll warn you haha) it's kinda like reading over-enthusiastic fanfiction. dont get me wrong, dont crucify me, dont throw knives at me. lol. i mean i LOVE the twilight saga, i LOVE the characters, and i really love the story, but there's just something about this book so far that is well, a tad bit overdone?

ok spoilers start here. highlight the space below if you wanna read it.

i suppose bella getting pregnant was not entirely unexpected once you start reading the book, especially when she kept having those dreams and thoughts about the vampire kid (and since she and edward were having wild passionate sex lol). which also raises the question: how the hell did edward impregnate her? i thought there were no bodily fluids. lol. them getting married was of course expected. the way that it was all written just seemed too fluffy and cheesy and.. sappy. some of the dialogues are pretty cringe-worthy lol. and the poor kids name. oh ye gods.. i've read more than halfway through and there seems to be nothing particularly interesting about to happen soon other than more romantic fluffy moments. but hey, maybe i'll change my view once i finish the book lol.

but yes, i'm still in love with edward cullen. haha. as is most girls who read twilight :P

end of spoilers.

but you know what? i'll forgive stephenie for whatever and however she decides to write. you know why? cos she created edwardthesexycullen. HAHAHA. i think the main reason i love the series so much is cos i tend to see robert pattinson as edwardthesexycullen. with his sexy british accent (as seen in harry potter and the goblet of fire. remember him in his tux? lol). i love the characters she created for twilight. and the story. i'll give her props for her imagination thats for sure :)

oh man i cant wait for the twilight movie. ROBERTTTTT

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