Friday, May 02, 2008

random reminiscing

today i had a sudden compulsion to look for blogs of limkokwing students. weird and random, i know lol. i ended up typing 'luct blog' in my google search bar (not very creative huh) and i came across THIS. click it!

lol! it's christina doing her 'hips don't lie' dance! i still remember that part when she whipped off the skirt and everyone was like "whooOOo!" lmao. and look! there's kavitha, lauren, arthur and desmond too! haha! i think this was during our 3rd semester.

anyways, about the other blogs i came across, some are so excited about getting into luct. lol. sure, it looks cool when you first step in, but being there for 3 years, the only thing i found 'special' about it was the apparent laidback-ness of everything. skipping classes, going to class hours later than scheduled, procrastination, playing pool when we should be in class/doing assignments... oh and did i mention, getting away scot free with all that? lol, i didnt do it a lot, but we all did at one point or another.

i get a lot of 'wow, you're from limkokwing?' but the thing is, i've heard that our students have a pretty bad reputation out there. lazy, fussy, spoilt, greedy, demanding... thats not all of it. honestly, it's kinda sad that it's coming down to this, cos a lot of the students there are in fact very hardworking, with lots of talent.

back to the campus, something interesting to do while lepak-ing in the plaza: watching people. you see the strangest looking people at luct. i've heard a lot of people say 'whoa, i'm sure limkokwing has a lot of hotties!'. correction: limkokwing has a lot of overdressed fools. it's true, i dont mean to be critical and mean but some of the things that people wear there can be really bad. some might say, it's called 'expressing yourself'. i have another phrase, though i wont say it in case it offends anyone who may stumble upon this lol. wait, don't get me wrong, i love individuality, ask my friends, lol. it's just that sometimes, i think people try too hard. so i'll just say this: you could end up looking really cool (there was only one girl while i was there who in my opinion did it successfully) or end up looking pretentious.

*end of random rant* lol

but you know, i realise i do kinda miss uni. not for the crappy administration and management, but because of the people i met. i think for me, the best time i ever had in uni was in semester one. yeap, i definitely miss those people :)


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