Wednesday, April 16, 2008

where's wally now?

if you don't know this funny looking guy, his name is wally. he's the main character from a series of picture books in which you have to find him in a crowd. when i say a crowd, i mean a crowd. hundreds/thousands of tiny people crammed in a page.

anyways, i just found out his name is 'Waldo' in the US and Canada (and apparently, 'charlie' in france, 'holger' in denmark and 'walter' in germany). i refuse to call him Waldo! dude, i grew up in the UK knowing him as Wally! Blasphemy!

This used to be my favourite book in the whole world lol

okay i know this sounds like a totally pointless, random and extremely geeky post but hang on, i'm almost at my point. lol.

Here's the deal: some lady in Canada painted a huge WALLY on a rooftop in Canada. awesome, a real life 'where's wally' challenge! but how do you find him? Google earth of course! The catch is, Google Earth is not updated daily, weekly or even monthly. Apparently it can take up to THREE YEARS for them to update it's images. holy crap.

This is fantastic. why didnt anyone do this before? To read the original article at the dailymail, click here.

so, who's gonna find WALLY first?

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