Monday, April 21, 2008


i'm officially obsessed with twilight, it's bizarre. summit entertainment released an awesome video with behind the scenes footage of the movie and the cast. check it out yo!

credits to for the video

so awesome. it's being directed by catherine hardwicke (lords of dogtown yo!). the cast look good in all the get-up. robert as edward! and jasper's kinda cute as well. lol. i have to say, the dude who play's laurent, that hair is insane man. reminds me of american idol's jason castro hahaha.

oh man, i absolutely cannot wait for this movie. I haven't been so excited about a movie since the lord of the rings and harry potter. i said this before but i'll say it again. i'm SO pleased that they got robert pattinson to play edward. lol! like when i first saw him in harry potter and the goblet of fire (i was annoyed they cast such a good looking guy cos we all knew he was gonna die at the end), i hoped that we'd be able to see him somewhere else in a bigger role and all of a sudden, *BAM!* now he's the star of twilight! B's! please read the book so we can go and see this movie together, thanks! lol

speaking of movies, i finally got round to watching 'the notebook' (since monica goes on and on about that movie :p). haha i know, i can be so outdated sometimes. anyway she was telling me that the movie is really sad but REALLY nice and all that, so i told myself to try NOT to cry (i have this thing about not crying at movies, it annoys me for some reason) but holycrap, i couldnt stop myself man. so heart-wrenching, lol! the last time i cried watching a movie was 'lion king' when mufasa was getting stampeded. hahahaha. but 'the notebook' was a good movie :)

for a completely different sort of 'love story' watch the 2006 indie movie Wristcutters: A Love Story. lol. it's a bizarre sort of movie. some might call it slow and dreary but i liked it. Anyways, it's about this dude who commits suicide and ends up in this alternate world where everyone who's commited suicide is now living.

there's a new hellboy II: the golden army trailer out. a lot of people i know aren't at all interested in Hellboy. i know a lot of them said the first movie sucked. i personally didnt find the first movie that bad. but i am completely mesmerized by this new one. kinda like pan's labyrinth meets tmnt lol. hopefully, the movie will be as good as what the trailer portrays it to be. check it out.

i always have a thing for outworldly, fantastical movies that play around with your imagination. you know, like, alice in wonderland, the wizard of oz, the neverending story and pan's labyrinth :)

i didnt realise avenged sevenfold had released the video for 'a little piece of heaven'. awesome song! weird video. like a short movie. proceed with caution though. it's may be a little gruesome for some.

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